American Crow
- Length: 17 in.
- Bill is small, straight, and sharp
- Entirely black plumage
- Squared off tail
- Black legs and front
Common Raven
- LENGTH: 21 in.
- Larger than a Crow
- Bill is large and curved
- Wedge-shaped tail
- Entirely black plumage
- Relatively short legs
Yellow-Billed Magpie
- LENGTH: 16 in.
- Yellow BIll
- White belly
- Long, iridescent tail
- Iridescent wings
- Black head, breast, and legs
Steller's Jay
- LENGTH: 11 in.
- Dark crest, beak, head, and legs
- Blue body
- Barred wings and tail
- Forehead and throat may have white flecks
California Scrub-Jay
- LENGTH: 10 in.
- Black bill
- White eyebrow with dark cheeks
- Blue head and body
- Gray belly, mantle, or back
- Dark legs
Purple Finch
- LENGTH: 5.5 in.
- Short, forked tail
- Large, conical beak
- Red head, breast, back, and rump
- Streaked back
- Brown wings and tail
House Finch
- LENGTH: 5.25 in.
- Long tail
- Conical bill
- Males have a red rump, breast, and forehead
- Streaked belly
- Brown wings and tail
Lesser Goldfinch
- LENGTH: 3.75 in
- Yellow throat and belly
- Green back
- Black crown, wings, and tail
- Short, conical beak
- White bars on the wings
American Goldfinch (Male)
- LENGTH: 4.25 in
- Yellow head, back, breast, and belly
- Short, forked tail
- Black crown, wings, and tail
- Pink legs and feet
- Short, conical bill
- White bars on wings and rump
American Goldfinch (Female)
- LENGTH: 4.25 in.
- Greenish head and back
- Short, forked tail
- Black wings with white wing bars
- Pale bill and legs
- Short, conical bill
Lawrence's Goldfinch
- LENGTH: 4.25 in.
- Yellow wing bars
- Yellow breast
- Short, conical bill
- Short, forked tail
- Black throat, face, and crown
- gray head, back, and belly
Song Sparrow
- LENGTH: 5.5 in.
- Brown streak through eye
- Brown and gray face
- Thick, brown, lateral throat stripe
- White throat
- Conical bill
- Breast streaked with spots
- Belly pale white
- Brown to rusty wings and tail
House Sparrow (Male)
- LENGTH: 4.25 in.
- Black throat
- Gray crown and body
- Brown, streaked wings
- White patch on wing
- Thick, conical bill
- Pink legs and feet
House Sparrow (Female)
- LENGTH: 4.25 in.
- Gray throat, head, breast, and belly
- Gray-brown crown
- Brown streaked wings
- White patch on wing
- Thick, conical bill
- Pink legs and feet
Golden - Crowned Sparrow
- LENGTH: 6.25 in.
- Yellow crown with broad black stripes
- Long, brown tail
- Dark, conical bill with pale lower mandible
- Gray face and breast
- Tan back with dark streaks
- Brown wings with white bars
White - Crowned Sparrow
- LENGTH: 5.75 in.
- Adults have black and white head stripes
- Yellow to pink bill
- Dark, conical bill with pale lower mandible
- Tan back with dark streaks
- Brown wings with white bars